Saturday, June 11, 2011

Wow! Less than a month until we leave! I just got the plans for the trip down and up. We will be driving down to Chicago and flying out from there. There will be a layover in Atlanta and then we fly into San Pedro Sula. On the 21 we will fly out of San Sula into Atlanta and to Chicago. I can't wait!
God is so good! He brought in the support I needed right away for the plane ticket and now the rest is trickling in. This money I will use to buy supplies for our hygiene packs and other supplies we might need for our clinics. On July 3, we will be assembling hygiene packs between services at church and that evening we will be packing suitcases as the first team will be leaving the next Wednesday!
Will you please pray for our team? That we will be united in our mission to reach those who need His love and light. That we will put any grudges or tensions behind us, that we will leave them home, and be ready to work together. God can only work if we are willing to let Him work. I pray that we will understand why we are here. I know why I am going down, I only hope the rest of the team will find their niche! Thank you for your love and support!!

1 comment:

  1. Ill be praying for a safe trip! i hope everything goes well for you and your group! love you girl!
